Fsu college application essay
Gravity Movie Essay Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Authors Reflection on their learning experiences
Creators Reflection on their learning encounters This content is an impression of the learning encounters of the creator, especially with respect to the learning experience of the MBA full time program. The essential target is to think about the learning encounters and to recognize how the Knowledge levels, abilities, perspectives, recognitions and qualities were adjusted during the procedure. In an embodiment it is an endeavor to catch the learning involvement with to a conventional structure, which on occasion has been casual, at sub-cognizant levels and random. The impressions of the learning encounters will prompt an assessment of the people current status in all viewpoints relating administrative viability, which will thus, encourage the recognizable proof and prioritization of self-awareness needs. The final product is a brief, explicit, and quantifiable and time bound self-awareness plan. At first the hypothesis and significance of appearance in self-awareness is audited, which is trailed by the reflections on a few key learning encounters. The following period of the report is a basic assessment of the diverse administration styles, which will incorporate an investigation of the recorded starting points and advancement of various initiative styles. The third stage is an endeavor to connect the reflections on learning encounters and assessment of authority styles, determining a self-awareness intend to improve administrative adequacy. 2.0 Importance of reflection A laymans meaning of reflection is consider about a past movement or arrangement of exercises, for a model a mother may consider how she does the week by week looking for her family. Most definitely, the methodology towards reflection depends on judicious, Moon (2006 p37) gives a realistic view on reflection as Reflection is a type of mental preparing like a type of reasoning that we use to satisfy a reason or to accomplish some foreseen result or we might be just be intelligent and afterward a result can be startling. Anyway reflection has a more profound significance in an instructive setting than the unremarkable movement that the practical based view recommends. In the training and scholarly setting reflection has a superseding reason and coordinated towards a particular result. Moon (2006 P37) broadens the practical based view as Reflection/intelligent learning or intelligent writing in the scholarly setting is additionally prone to include a cognizant and expressed reason for the reflection, with a result indicated as far as learning activity or explanation. For this situation the result is the self-awareness plan. The advantages of reflections are clear; it gives a structure to the indiscriminate procedure of learning encourages the assessment and gives bearings to facilitate improvement. Reflections associates the revealing and scattering of profound lying misinterpretations and helps the exchange of abilities, for instance the thinking about the movement of doing the week after week shopping may help in keeping up stocks in little basic food item or cafés. 3.0 MBA Learning Journey The MBA program gives a more extensive range of learning encounters, from homeroom meetings to improve hypothetical information to genuine consultancy openings, planned for upgrading the administrative adequacy. The excursion so far has taken me through a wide range of learning encounters. Anyway it appears that the perfect beginning stage for the reflection procedure is simply the, or the investigation of mindfulness. 3.1 Self Awareness-Know Thyself In laymans definition for mindfulness is knowing ones self, anyway Williams calls attention to that mindfulness incorporates numerous viewpoints Key zones of mindfulness incorporate our character characteristics, individual qualities, propensities, feelings and mental needs that drive our practices (Self-mindfulness and self-awareness: Online) . Mindfulness is the establishment of self-improvement and administrative viability. I believed myself to be mindful. I unequivocally accepted that I had a precise image of myself, being exceptionally clear on my qualities, believed myself to be a scientific, coherent, sincerely develop and prided on my correspondence and introduction aptitudes. I never believed myself to be innovative, a section from that I generally attempted to recognize my shortcomings. The main different shortcoming that propped out in my mind on numerous occasions was the helpless time the board. I put stock in uniformity and reasonableness, firmly favor meritocracy and have non-debatable key qualities. Anyway it was at the applied learning encounters (ALEs) of the MBA program that I initially had the chance to test my degree of mindfulness through a few models and practice. 3.2 The Applied Learning Experience (ALE) The principal applied learning experience of the MBA program was held in an area in Ware, Hertfordshire. The main movement of the program was to fill a poll intended to recognize the every members job in Belbins Theory. 3.2.1 Belbins Team Roles-the Monitor Evaluator Meredith Belbins group job gives a system to examinations ones situation inside a group. The consequences of the poll expressed that I will be a Monitor Evaluator in a group. Belbin (1981 refered to in Mullins, 2007, p332) states that the screen evaluators are Sober vital and recognizing, sees all choices, judges precisely, the reasonable shortcomings are needs drive and capacity to move others (Belbin, 1981 refered to in Mullins, 2007, p332). At first this assessment appeared to fit well with my feeling of mindfulness and I was anxious to assume my job inside the groups augmenting my quality and being cognizant about my shortcomings. The program comprised of five principle exercises, out which in one my group was extremely fruitful, halfway achievement full in one and flopped hopelessly in three exercises. Every action was trailed by a criticism meeting permitting the members to think about the triumphs and disappointments of every movement. The underlying reflections appeared to approve my comprehension of my job as a screen evaluator, I played my qualities well and neglected to relieve my shortcoming, or that is the means by which it appeared. I attempted to gain from the errors in a single movement and assume a superior job in the following. Anyway the following movement requested a totally extraordinary mentality and I couldnt help feeling baffled, cheated and even moronic on occasion. In the last input meeting I was stunned to be seen by the other colleagues as Creative, comes out with out of the container arrangements, not satisfactory in correspondence and now and again apathetic. This was to some degree harsh pill to swallow, especially on the grounds that I prided in my relational abilities. Anyway I conveyed the last introduction in the interest of our group. Utilizing Obama style quick inquiry and answer procedures (started up? all set?) figured out how to empower the crowd and end with stressing the significance of mindfulness. Despite the fact that the input appeared misjudged by then, reflection helped me to reason the bits of the riddle. Im great in articulating a point to a willing and listening crowd, anyway comes up short and free energy when tested or when it appears the others are uninterested as I would see it. For a model one of the errands request a high feeling of numerical personality generally found among material science understudies and programming code journalists, I had an arrangement which incorporated the designation of explicit undertakings to specific individuals whom I thought had the necessary aptitudes, anyway I neglected to convince others and the assignment wound up in disappointment. The reflections on ALEs helped me to increase an increasingly precise comprehension of myself, and pushed convincing abilities and time the board on to the highest point of my improvement need. 3.3 MBTI Model Myers - Briggs Type marker (MBTI) is another model which I utilized during the learning excursion of MBA. It is created by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers in 1920s, its utilized as a self - report instrument that guides people in thinking about themselves (Handout, Nov 2009). My MBTI position was ENFP which shows that the individual is social butterfly, brave and advancement situated, a position regular among business people. The relating job in Belbins nine group jobs is the Plant. This was a stunning disclosure for me since I thought I was the direct inverse of a business person. Anyway all things considered it made me think further on inventiveness, and modified my view on my own imagination. 3.4 Creativity-Myths Dispelled During the learning excursion of the MBA, I had the chance to investigate my own imagination through a few poll intended to survey a people innovativeness and look at the consistent and inventive parts of ones reasoning. Despite the fact that I generally appeared to be to a greater extent a legitimate individual I scored over my own desires on inventiveness. This drove me to think about profoundly my own degree of imagination, and helped me to reveal and scatter a misguided judgment which was profoundly established in me. I basically thought about imagination, as aesthetic inventiveness, this limited view made a psychological barrier and I saw myself as less innovative. Anyway Mullins (2007 P192) states that innovativeness is the utilization of inventive idea which brings about imaginative answers for some issues. The video on IDEO Company, an American firm work in new item improvement modified my view on innovativeness; on reflection the organization appears to have a genuinely cons istent and organized methodology towards inventiveness, however from the outset it may not be extremely clear. These encounters expand my viewpoints on inventiveness and in this manner my advancement needs. 3.5 Learning Styles-Reflector Most definitely Im a reflector, anyway thinking about learning styles lead to a more clear comprehension of test learning. I created IT aptitudes essentially through test learning. The reflection and comprehension helped me to conquer numerous psychological obstructions like dread of disappointment, which keeps us from exploring different avenues regarding things and gaining from the experie
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compare / Contrast Baseball Essay Example For Students
Think about/Contrast Baseball Essay ENG 4AOJanuary 19, 2000Compare/Contrast EssayBaseball a genuine American game and past time that has been a piece of our lives from the earliest starting point. It has stood the trial of time just as a result of its immaculateness and unending rundown of players that have ffostered the game to what it is today. However a solitary imperfection remains that occurred in 1919 when the World Series was tossed by eight players including Shoeless Joe Jackson. Shoeless Joe Jackson who last played significant alliance baseball in 1920 and was suspended forever, alongside seven of his countrymen, by Commissioner Mountain Landis, as far as it matters for him in tossing the 1919 World Series Kinsella (6,7). A considerable lot of Shoeless Joes most prominent fans including Ray Kinsella were profoundly disheartened to hear the news that their legend would never again be playing baseball. The name Kenesaw Mountain Landis got interchangeable with the fallen angel Kinsella (7). In the novel Shoeless Joe by W.P Kinsella and the film Field of Dreams by Phil Alden Robinson vary regarding connections, characters,and are comparative in plot, and have majical content. In every one of the works the connections between the charaters are differentiated. In the novel Annie was strong of her persevering spouse Ray who rantheir ranch. At the point when Ray revealed to Annie that he had heard voices in the field she was keen on what he had heard. The words Ray heard were If you manufacture it he will come Kinsella (5). He was unable to accept what he was hearing. From the start he thought he was dreaming. Beam realized the voice implied something about the baseball field. At the point when he educated Annie about his fantasy she gave him her endowments and empowered beam 100%. In the film anyway Annies view of her spouses yearnings varied significantly. At the point when Ray proposed the plan to Annie,she thought he was insane and crazy. They had endeavored to build up their ranch that she would not like to surrender it for such a hazard. In the film Annie was depicted a portion of the qualities that he sibling Mark had appeared in the novel. The connection among Ray and the voice likewise contrast between the two works. In the novel th e novel Ray was immediately ready to interpert what the voice was letting him know. In the film anyway Ray made some troublesome memories from the start in discovering the goals of the voice. What are you attempting to reveal to me Robinson. These connections were transformed from the novel to the film. there are numerous characters in the novel that have been deleated or changed for buyer purposes. In the novel J.D Salinger assumed a prominate job in Rays venture. The maker couldn't get authorization from J.D Salinger to utilize his name in the film. Insted the producers made an anecdotal character Terrance mann, an African American who permitted the film to speak to a more extensive scope of ethnic gatherings. The tale additionally had two significant characters, Richard kinsella who was Rays twin sibling and Eddie Scissons who had recently possessed their homestead. Richard Kinsella is my indistinguishable twin sibling Kinsella (33). Thesecharacters were completly deleated in the film Field of Dreams. This was maybe to forestall confusing the plot. The writters needed to permit the content to stream effectively enough with the goal that a general crowd would comprehend. In this manner numerous progressions were made to the characters. The principle plot in both of the works Field of Dreams and Shoeless Joe were indistinguishable. Beam was sent on an excursion by the voice to permit others to experience their fantasies. Beam chose to acknowledge the demand to manufacture a baseball field inorder toallow eight suspended baseball players to satisfy their fate. Id have played free worked for food Kinsella (13). Shoeless Joes comment demonstrate how committed and tried he was to the game. In Field of Dreams just as Shoeless Joe Rays genuine explanation behind structure the field was to bring his dad back. On the off chance that you construct ot he will come Kinsella (5). These words expressed by the voice were proposed for Rays father John to come. The plot in every one of the works is fundamentally the same as. .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 , .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 .postImageUrl , .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 , .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015:hover , .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015:visited , .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015:active { border:0!important; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015:active , .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015:hover { mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u5295e67491 7d146512dcd553032d4015 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u5295e674917d146512dcd553032d4015:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Shakes EssayIn every one of the works
Friday, August 21, 2020
First Confession Essay examples -- essays research papers
Mrs. Ryan and the Priest In Frank Oââ¬â¢Connorââ¬â¢s story ââ¬Å"First Confessionâ⬠, Mrs. Ryan and the minister are extraordinary. Mrs. Ryan and the minister approach Jackie contrastingly and have various effects on him. Mrs. Ryan causes Jackie to feel like a heathen in her way to deal with him. She shows him how to inspect his heart by asking himself a couple of inquiries, ââ¬Å"Did we take the name of the Lord, our God in Vain? Did we respect our dad and mom? Did we love our neighbors as ourselves? Did we pine for our neighbors goods?â⬠(614). This caused Jackie to feel like he is a heathen since he feels that he was not regarding his grandma and feels that he pined for Noraââ¬â¢s penny she got each week from their grandma. Mrs. Ryan influences Jackie by causing him to feel that admission is frightening. In the wake of disclosing to her tale about the mama...
Monday, June 15, 2020
What to Expect from Possible ACT Essay Prompts
Today, many students choose to write the optional ACT essay. Some write it because a Writing section score is required by the colleges they are applying to. Others write it because they excel in essay-writing and want to showcase their skills to college admissions officials. If you plan to write the essay, youââ¬â¢ll want to become familiar with the types of writing prompts given on this exam. The Different Types of ACT Essay Prompts Each essay prompt on the ACT concerns a complex issue. For instance, one sample prompt released by the ACT concerns individual freedom and public health. Other writing prompts may deal with technology, the media, education, the arts, and other issues. Even if you donââ¬â¢t have a great deal of knowledge about the topic in the essay prompt, you can still write an essay that is organized, logical, and convincing. In fact, all of the information you need to complete the writing task is given to you in the prompt. Your Task on the Essay After reading the essay prompt, youââ¬â¢re given three perspectives on the issue. Your task is to develop your own perspective, then use evidence and examples to support it. Furthermore, youââ¬â¢re asked to analyze how your perspective is similar to or different from at least one of the given perspectives. Think about the possible counterarguments to your perspective and address them. The individuals who grade your essay wonââ¬â¢t be looking at whether you agreed or disagreed with the given perspectives: In fact, that part is irrelevant. Instead, theyââ¬â¢ll be evaluating your essay based on its organization, use of supporting evidence, idea development, and language use. College admissions officials want to see a sample of your writing to find out if you can express your ideas in a coherent way. Many colleges will look at your ACT English, Reading, and Writing scores to get a full picture of your ability to interpret and communicate ideas. Preparing for the Essay The best way to prep for the essay on the ACT is to practice your writing skills. This includes working on organizing your ideas in the form of an outline before beginning your essay. Also, reading online newspaper and magazine articles gives you practice developing perspectives on current issues. You have only 40 minutes to write the ACT essay, so itââ¬â¢s a good idea to time your practice essays so you can establish a writing speed that doesnââ¬â¢t make you feel rushed. The professional ACT instructors at Veritas Prep have been where you are right now: Theyââ¬â¢ve prepared for and taken the ACT, including the essay. More importantly, each of our instructors earned a score on the ACT landing them in the 99th percentile. So when you sign up with Veritas Prep, youââ¬â¢ll be studying with tutors who have excellent teaching skills and impressive experience with the test. Tips for Writing the Essay The ACT essay is given on paper, so youââ¬â¢ll have space to jot down an outline and organize your thoughts. Youââ¬â¢ll probably want to start writing your essay right away, but creating an outline is an effective strategy if you want to end up with a high score. Take the time to think about your perspective on the issue and make sure you have plenty of evidence to support it. Try to leave yourself with a few minutes at the end of the writing test so you can proofread and make small changes if necessary. The instructors at Veritas Prep have the skills and knowledge to prepare you for the Writing section on the ACT along with the rest of the exam. We are familiar with the different types of ACT essay prompts and can guide you on the best approaches to them. Our strategies can help you to create an essay that fulfills all of the requirements necessary to achieve the highest score possible. We offer online courses that are convenient for high school students on the go, and we also have in-person ACT prep courses if you prefer that type of learning environment. Look at our FAQ page to find more information about our tutoring services, or give us a call or email to let us know how we can help you conquer the ACT essay!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The End Of The Dark Passage Essay - 917 Words
At the end of the dark passage was a room identical to the secret alcove in his court. For all of Jingyanââ¬â¢s trepidation and anticipation, nothing happened. He kept a hand on the wall and followed the sound of Su Zheââ¬â¢s footfall through the unobstructed passage until dimming sunlight split the darkness. They exited into a crumbling structure with moldy beams and tangled spider webs, a deserted court with a backdoor into the mountains that rose on the east border of Hua. Jingyan followed Su Zhe through a grassy meadow and into a forest. Sometime in the middle of their walk, the last rays of the sun slinked behind the horizon and left them in the shadows of the gnarled oak trees. Twigs and fallen leaves crunched under his boot as Jingyan picked his way through the damp moss of the forest path, dodging sagged branches and stepping over surface roots. The wind was beginning to pick up, gently rustling the thick, dark green leaves of the shrubs nearby. Su Zhe walked on his right, body obscured by his oversized cloak. Don t you have anything to say to me? Jingyan s question broke the silence that d hung about since the hidden corridor was revealed. ââ¬Å"When you follow me without a question or comment, said Su Zhe. ââ¬Å"Was it trust?â⬠Jingyan glanced at Su Zhe. Trust was a heavy word. He didnââ¬â¢t dare to trust, but being by Su Zheââ¬â¢s side brought him no small amount of familiarity and amenity. At the end of the long pause and forest trail, Jingyan answered, ââ¬Å"Part curiosity and partShow MoreRelatedLord of the Flies Commentary1131 Words à |à 5 PagesPassage Commentary: Lord of the Flies, Pages 109-111 In this passage from Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the reader gets deep insight into Ralphââ¬â¢s mind and how the boys are adapting to life on the island. Occurring around the middle of the novel, this passage dives into the thoughts of Ralph to see what he is really feeling about being stranded. 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Yet also, the whole extract gives us full details to understand Joseph Hooperââ¬â¢s wanting E Hooperââ¬â¢s power, compassion and not respecting Peopleââ¬â¢s human rights. ââ¬Å"Your father should have left you some moneyâ⬠¦ to pay off all this debtsâ⬠, Since the Beginning it was observed how Hooper abuses his social class to bully Kingshawââ¬â¢s Social class and his fathers. In the end of the passage a small fight oc curs between
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Critical Interpretations of The Cask of Amontillado Essay
quot;The Cask of Amontilladoquot;: Critical Interpretations Among Poes most intriguing tales is quot;The Cask of Amontillado,quot; first published in Godeys Ladys Book in November of 1847. A surface reading of that story reveals only a simple description by Montresor (the narrator) of how he kills another man who was called, ironically, Fortunato. Montresor exploits Fortunatos vanity concerning the connoiseurship of wine; specifically, Montresor pretends to want a wine cask of Amontillado verified as genuine. Montresor chooses a time when Fortunato is drunk to dupe him into going down the spiral stairs into the catacombs, which serve as a sort of family burial grounds for the race of Montresors. But rather than a mere cask ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The fact that Fortunato easily succumbs to the pleasures of the flesh would seem to reinforce the view that Montresor and Fortunato constitute another of Poes divided personalities; they are actually but one person divided against himself. In addition, we have Montresor, the judging side of the personality, emblematic of the Imp of the Perverse. So far, so good. Montresor preys upon Fortunatos tendency to drink, as well as upon his vanity. Fortunato, representative of the flesh, dons the fools cap and is led by Montresor to a pitiful death. He walls Fortunato [the fool in himself] into a niche in the catacombs; the voice that speaks to us comes from beyond the grave. Yet still it must confess--only to suicide! The suicide thesis would preclude that Poe has purposefully encoded the story. This encoding would suggest that he has deliberately diddled his readers, or that he wants the story to serve as litmus for the intuition, or both. So, are there more clues to support the suicide thesis? We have Montresors coat of arms, a foot crushing quot;a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel.quot; What symbol could better suggest the action that Montresor has taken. The foolish side of his nature plants its fangs in his heel; thus he must destroy it, lest it destroy him. Very similar is Montresors situation to that of William Wilson--except that the narrators areShow MoreRelatedThe Cask Of Amontillado, By Edgar Allan Poe And The Yellow Wallpaper Essay1486 Words à |à 6 Pagesgives readers a chance to offer their own interpretations to the story being told. Unreliable narration is valuable to the reader and satisfying to the author because the audience must look beyond what the narrato r is portraying and view all the elements of the read to understand the author s message. The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe and The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman are great examples of unreliable narration. The Cask of Amontillado, Poe tells the story through the eyesRead MoreThe Casket Of Amontillado . Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢S ââ¬Å"The Cask1680 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Casket of Amontillado Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠is a short story illustrating how pride leads to the downfall of two men. At the storyââ¬â¢s heart is the tale of Montresor, the protagonist, getting revenge on a former friend, Fortunato. Poeââ¬â¢s characterization of Montresor shows a sinister, proud man, obsessed not only with his revenge but also not getting punished himself. ââ¬Å"It must be a perfect revenge, one in which Fortunato will know fully what is happening to him and in whichRead MoreComparison and Contrast: A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe929 Words à |à 4 PagesAllan Poe employ it to achieve distinctly Gothic effects. ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠are very different stories set in very different worlds, and the tone of the narration in each is equally different. Nonetheless, the stories both offer strong symbolism, and they each rely on how the shor t story amplifies the Gothic, or dark, by virtue of brief presentation. Poes ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠and Faulkners ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠both employ a narrator, if not of a similar kindRead More The Paradox of Revenge in Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado1375 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Paradox of Revenge in Edgar Allan Poes The Cask of Amontillado ?The Cask of Amontillado? raises a question pertaining to the multiple character of the self (Davidson 202); Can harmony of ones self be restored once primal impulses have been acted upon? This question proposes the fantasy of crime without consequence (Stepp 60). Edgar Allan Poe uses first person point of view, vivid symbolism and situational irony to show that because of mans inner self, revenge is ultimately not possibleRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Father Of American Gothicism1178 Words à |à 5 PagesThese works includeà ââ¬Å"The Black Cat,â⬠à ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontillado,â⬠à andà ââ¬Å"The Tell-Tale Heart. In his Gothic tales, Poe also employed an essentially symbolic, almost allegorical method which gives such works asà ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usher, ââ¬Å"The Masque of the Red Death,â⬠à an enigmatic quality that accounts for their enduring interest and also links them with the symbolical works of Nathaniel Hawthorne andà Herman Melvin. Although, in ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠is wealthy as we can see from his mansionRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado, By Poe1700 Words à |à 7 PagesThe narration ââ¬Å"The Cask of Amontilladoâ⬠by Poe has been universally referred to as the worldââ¬â¢s most perfect stories. It is an emotional piece with every verdict contributing to the overall effect of a completely unified work. Further, however, it may seem to be easy; this literary piece thrives in ironies of various kinds. The narrator commences by informing the audience about the hurt and insult he received from Fortunato. Besides, every sentence adds to the unity that the author wanted to achieveRead MoreEssay on Insanity: The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe1165 Words à |à 5 Pagesinsanity through ironic means. Edgar Allan Poe, the writer himself is the one who establishes the irony in this story, not the narrator because the latter seems to be completely insensible about the ironic component of his monologue. The conventional critical analysis of The Tell-Tale Heart might engage the story from the point of view that the narrators attempt to prove his sanity might be an exercise in irony. Irony, in todayââ¬â¢s world, can be easily misinterpreted by most of us because we tend toRead MoreSymbolism And Charm : How Poe Accomplished His Peculiarity1153 Words à |à 5 Pages1846, Poe wrote an essay titled ââ¬Ë The Philosophy of Composition, ââ¬â¢ which was printed in a publication of Grahamââ¬â¢s Magazine. Traditionally, Poe was a man of limited words; he tried to write as concisely as possible. This proved accurate in this critical essay, as it is not very lengthy. It does, however, correctly depicts Poe s message; he wanted to explain to fellow writers his theory of how it is that acclaimed writers compose well. According to Poe, there are four essential theories regardingRead MoreEssay about ââ¬Å"The Tell-Tale Heartâ⬠1448 Words à |à 6 Pagesinsanity through ironic means. Edgar Allan Poe, the writer himself is the one who establishes the irony in this story, not the narrator because the latter seems to be completely insensible about the ironic component of his monologue. The convention critical analysis of The Tell-Tale Heart might engage the story from the point of view that the narrators attempt to prove his sanity might be an exercise in irony. Irony, in todayââ¬â¢s world, can be easily misinterpreted by most of us because we tend toRead More Edgar Allan Poes Writing Essay2378 Words à |à 10 Pageshow Ligeias intensity began to decrease, how she fell ill, and how her illness devastated him. Poe had frequently encountered death since he was young, so typically, the characters in his writings represent people whom he had lost. One of the interpretations of the story ââ¬Å"Ligeiaâ⬠is from Carri Zlotnick-Woldenberg, a Doctoral Candidate in Clinical Psychology, interprets that the narrator ââ¬Å"hallucinates that Ligeia kills Rowena and [she] returns from the dead.â⬠Poe suffers from the loss of his wife and
Project Management and Project Success
Question: Discuss about the Project Management and Project Success. Answer: Objective The objective of this project is to evaluate critically the relationship between project management and the success of a project in the construction industry. This project also aims at analyzing the possibility for delivering a successful construction project without exercising techniques of project management. Specific Objectives Specific objectives of this project involve critical evaluation of the impact of project management on success rate of a project in the construction industry. Analysis of possibility for delivering successful construction project without the application of techniques of project management is the second objective. The assessment of risks regarding project management in construction industry is the third objective of this project. Finally, the fourth objective is to provide recommendations for mitigating the identified issues. Introduction/Background Huge investments are done by organization on projects, which is approximately 20% of the worlds GDP. However success rate, which is achieved by the projects, are very low especially in construction industry in which around 20% projects were cancelled before commencement of project (Alias 2014). Proper project management ensures a construction project to be successful with economical resources, meeting project objectives and project completion on deadline. Without project management, there are slight possibility of successful project delivery that entirely depends on the type, complexity and constraints of the projects. This project has been chosen to highlight and analyze the possibility of project successful delivery without applying project management techniques in construction industries. The current project also sheds light on the impact of project management on success rate of projects in construction industry. Rationale behind this project is also to identify risks associated with project management that will help to provide recommendations on improvement of project success rate. Explicit Knowledge Project management comprises of necessary tools and techniques of a project manager to successfully enhance and improve project execution quality, meet project objectives and complete the project on deadline. Thus, a project manager applies the techniques to obtain project requirements through cost benefit analysis, risk assessment and mitigation, time management and construction management. According to Alzahrani (2013), success rate of a project only is enhanced due to various factors like understanding the strategic objectives of a project clearly. Once the project objectives are understood, it becomes easier to manage the team of construction workers and engineers by the project manager. Thus, the project manager to the team should communicate definition of the scope of the project. The project manager is also responsible for communicating project technicalities to team members consisting of workers and engineers. Moreover, safety requirements should also be communicated and crea ted awareness through training and development among workers and engineers by the project manager (Beringer 2013). Resources required and reliability of the project is a major factor that is assesses usually by project managers. During assessment, the key competency factor that comes into play is leadership ability of the project manager. Leadership ability of the project manager ensures team motivation and identification of risks and its mitigation techniques applied successfully. Leadership also enables the project manager to manage a change within the project successfully and create organizational and environmental characteristics. As per Davis (2014), a project manager should also possess adequate technical skills that increases competency in identifying, assessing and evaluating technical issues and risks such as design of complicated structure, structural building materials assessment, quality of products, defect in construction procedures and estimation. Several construction projects are executed with less or no project management techniques applied. Construction of small pavements, culverts, roof slabs, refurbishment of small buildings and short walkways construction are few projects that do not involve any project management techniques. Experienced construction workers and contractors often carry out these projects. The major factors involved in construction without project management are team building ability in which the experienced construction workers together complete the construction process as per their experience and knowledge without prior scheduling or planning. Their contractors do improvisation manually and there is less scope of trust building capacity among the construction workers. However around 50% of the constructions in the world has been done without any construction management techniques applied (Gemnden 2015). Initial Findings It has been found that success rate of a project increases with application of project management techniques such as motivation and communication used by project managers to construction workers and engineers to promote and create awareness regarding project scope and objectives. Once the objectives are clearly promoted to the team, it has been found that the success rate chance increases by 80% as employees get motivated to provide their best competency towards project. Training and development provided to the team by project manager also plays an important role as new employees gets competent and familiar with various techniques of the construction such as piling, DMC, construction of slabs, floors, walls, foundations, piers, pile caps and highways. Adequate safety and security programs conducted at construction sites are also necessary to be delivered by project managers to team regarding use of safety belts at high construction, use of safety boot to prevent leg injury, use of helmets to safeguard heads from concrete debris and reflective jackets to look visible from distance (Mir 2014). All these safety instruction when delivered to team by project managers makes them competent and aware regarding safety and thus any accidents or mishaps are prevented facilitating the rate of success. According to Pollack (2014), the technical knowledge regarding the project also makes project managers competent in understanding technical risks to be assessed and any technical specifications that needs to be revised or clarified like revised drawings of the pile caps or any possibility of cold joint formation due to non-monolithic nature of concrete planning. The resource and materials required for projects also needs to be assessed by the project manager through application of project management techniques in quality control and ensure that project objectives are achieved by deadline. Finally, it is found that success rate of construction projects without application for project management techniques is low due to lack of proper knowledge and prior scheduling making the project impossible to commence within deadline and least risk management that ultimately ends up with shortage or surplus resources and building materials for construction. Lack of proper communication also ends u p in poor team cooperation and issues among the workers (Serra 2015). Reference List Alias, Z., Zawawi, E.M.A., Yusof, K. and Aris, N.M., 2014. Determining critical success factors of project management practice: A conceptual framework.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,153(3), pp.61-69. Alzahrani, J.I. and Emsley, M.W., 2013. The impact of contractors attributes on construction project success: A post construction evaluation.International Journal of Project Management,31(2), pp.313-322. Beringer, C., Jonas, D. and Kock, A., 2013. Behavior of internal stakeholders in project portfolio management and its impact on success.International Journal of Project Management,31(6), pp.830-846. Davis, K., 2014. Different stakeholder groups and their perceptions of project success.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), pp.189-201. Gemnden, H.G., 2015. Success Factors of Global New Product Development Programs, the Definition of Project Success, Knowledge Sharing, and Special Issues of Project Management Journal.Project Management Journal,46(1), pp.2-11. Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), pp.202-217. Pollack, J. and Algeo, C., 2015. The contribution of project management and change management to project success.The Business Management Review,6(2), p.22-26. Serra, C.E.M. and Kunc, M., 2015. Benefits Realisation Management and its influence on project success and on the execution of business strategies.International Journal of Project Management,33(1), pp.53-66.
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